The dance that unites two hearts into one

Being a mother has never been as fun as it is now!

The dance that unites two hearts into one

Being a mother has never been as fun as it is now!

The dance that unites two hearts into one

Being a mother has never been as fun as it is now!

What is Sling Dance?

Sling Dance is a program totally thinking about the mother as a woman, about her self-esteem, self-care, bringing an innovative, pleasurable, motivating and fun dance modality for new moms (accompanied by their babies) and pregnant women. Comprised of simple, smooth movements that are pleasant for baby but intense for mom who is exercising. Its main objective is to encourage happy motherhood, in which mother and baby create a positive bond, have fun together, learn to listen to music and move in rhythm, learn to unlock and work the body through movement.

Transform your view of motherhood, get stronger and shine again

Find out what you will find in the program by clicking on the video below:

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new moms

Do you already have your baby in your arms, but you feel distressed, completely out of shape, without self-esteem, without energy and even depressed?


Are you pregnant and afraid of bodily changes or do you feel tired, lacking energy?

Sling Dance was made for you!

The Founder

Mother of three, journalist, marketing manager and dance teacher. From Macau, through Portugal, Italy, Brazil, China and currently in Japan, Dance has always been part of Rafaela’s life. At just 2 years old he started to do Ballet, at 14 he graduated in Jazz & Street Dance, at 24 he graduated in Zumba. And at the age of 27, after being a mother, she lovingly created the Sling Dance for all Moms. Because it was in dance that she found an excellent opportunity to share with her son, finding a solution, as a mother, and not forgetting her side as a woman.

The Founder

Mother of three, journalist, marketing manager and dance teacher.

From Macau, through Portugal, Italy, Brazil, China and currently in Japan, Dance has always been part of Rafaela’s life.

At just 2 years old he started to do Ballet, at 14 he graduated in Jazz & Street Dance, at 24 he graduated in Zumba. And at the age of 27, after being a mother, she lovingly created the Sling Dance for all Moms. Because it was in dance that she found an excellent opportunity to share with her son, finding a solution, as a mother, and not forgetting her side as a woman.

The Founder

Mother of three, journalist, marketing manager and dance teacher.

From Macau, through Portugal, Italy, Brazil, China and currently in Japan, Dance has always been part of Rafaela’s life.

At just 2 years old he started to do Ballet, at 14 he graduated in Jazz & Street Dance, at 24 he graduated in Zumba. And at the age of 27, after being a mother, she lovingly created the Sling Dance for all Moms. Because it was in dance that she found an excellent opportunity to share with her son, finding a solution, as a mother, and not forgetting her side as a woman.


In addition to super fun Sling Dance classes, with new easy-to-follow choreography every week and current songs.

You will also gain:

Babywearing Tutorial

Babywearing Tutorial

Complete video tutorial on Babywearing and the different baby carriers on the market.

Healthy Recipes Ebook

Healthy Recipes Ebook

An E-book with 6 healthy recipes provided by our partner FoodYou

Consultation with a mental health coach

Consultation with a mental health coach

Learn to take control of your life with the support of our mental health coach Dr. Lisa

Consultation with nutritionist

Consultation with nutritionist

Meet our wonderful nutritionist Dr. Iessa and rearrange your eating.

Consultation with pediatrician

Consultation with pediatrician

To talk and take all your doubts, fears and myths of pediatrics, with our dear Dr. Cláudia.

Online Community

Online Community

It will still be inserted in an Online community here on the platform to meet other moms and socialize.

Babywearing Tutorial

Babywearing Tutorial

Complete video tutorial on Babywearing and the different baby carriers on the market.

Consultation with nutritionist

Consultation with nutritionist

Meet our wonderful nutritionist Dr. Iessa and rearrange your eating.

Healthy Recipes Ebook

Healthy Recipes Ebook

An E-book with 6 healthy recipes provided by our partner FoodYou

Consultation with pediatrician

Consultation with pediatrician

To talk and take all your doubts, fears and myths of pediatrics, with our dear Dr. Cláudia.

Consultation with a mental health coach

Consultation with a mental health coach

Learn to take control of your life with the support of our mental health coach Dr. Lisa

Online Community

Online Community

It will still be inserted in an Online community here on the platform to meet other moms and socialize.

Live streamed classes

The icing on the cake will be to be part of the live Sling Dance lives given by the founder Rafaela Peixoto


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Mother's month launch promotion!


(Monthly signature)
R$ 00

in the first month.
After: R$50/month
  • 9 Euros /month
  • 1316.82 Yen /month


The program is continuous and does not have an expected end date, with new content being added every week.

We provide several choreographies of different current songs, so you can select which ones you want to access, in the order you want. You make your own study rhythm! Just be careful not to stretch for more than 40 minutes a day.

Perhaps the placement of the baby was not done correctly or the baby may have some extra discomfort. That’s why we always ask you to pay attention before practice:

  • Breastfeed up to 30 minutes before class;
  • Keep the diaper clean and check the baby’s clothes, as he may be cold, hot or cramped (considering that putting it in the baby carrier will warm him up, so don’t overdo the clothes).

Check the possible discomforts of the baby that we answered in the last question. If he is still crying, start the Sling Dance with the song “Sugar Coconut”, he will quickly calm down and maybe even fall asleep.

If you don’t have any contraindications from your obstetrician, you can and should. Dancing helps in the release of hormones that generate well-being, in body posture, oxygenation, blood circulation, and helps a lot for moms who intend to have normal birth.

We do not require loyalty when purchasing our subscription to the program. Cancellation for the next month can be requested by contacting support.

Still in doubt?


If you still have doubts, try the first Sling Dance class without any commitment. Plus you can get your money back up to 7 days after purchase.


The content available on our platform does not replace an individualized consultation with a professional nutritionist, mental health coach or pediatrician.

The Private Profile has no loyalty. You can cancel anytime you want and stop billing for the next recurrence.

The Sling Dance platform is not responsible for any accidents or physical damage occurring during the classes.

Participation allowed only above 18 years old.

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